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I’m inviting you to participate in the art installation 'Paysage des pensées / Landscape of thoughts'.
The installation will be exhibited in my favorite cultural space in France: Le Jardin Victor.

In order to participate please send one of your most precious memories to me. A memory that will always bring a big smile to you face, a memory of the one person who influenced you the most, a memory of a special moment in nature, a childhood memory, a memory of the occurence that made you the person you are, etc. 

Be creative, be sincere. 

Try to catch that memory in one sentence and mail it to
Last but not least: the memories will be used in the installation without your name. So please feel free to share your thoughts.
Of course, your name can be added to the project website if desired.

In december, visitors of the gallery will be invited to add their thoughts to the installation during a live street performance.
Additional info:

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